Joseph Tawie
Saturday, 22 August 2009 11:35
BELAGA (Sarawak) - A storm is brewing over a native land in Long Koyan, near here, following an alleged encroachment by a plantation company.
A longhouse headman defending the land has also been summoned to the magistrate's court here to face a charge of theft involving an excavator belonging to the company. He has denied the charge.
The case arose from a police report made by a resident of the Long Koyan longhouse on May 13 acccusing Samling Plantations of encroaching into their native customary rights (NCR) land earlier that month.
Headman stopped an excavator
According to the report, longhouse head TK Nyalang Tahe' stopped an excavator from bulldozing their farm lands and gardens in the NCR land. The report also mentioned that the residents took the excavator keys to stop the workers from further encroachment.
However, unknown to TK Nyalang and his supporters, the plantation also lodged a police report complaining that one of its excavators was stolen and the longhouse head was named the prime suspect.
On July 21 a warrant of arrest was issued to TK Nyalang and he was summoned by the police to surrender himself at the Sungai Asap police station. A large number of his longhouse residentsaccompanied him to the station.
Police bond and the court
They argued that the excavator was not stolen and is still under the care of the plantation workers. They also claimed the keys in their possession were passed to them by the workers. They said this was stated in their police report.
Giving in to the crowd's anger, the police decided not to arrest TK Nyalang. But he was required to sign a police bond and ordered to appear at the Belaga magistrate's court on Aug 21 to answer to a charges of stealing the company’s excavator.
The longhouse head dutifully went to the court at 9am on Friday, to answer the charge under Section 379 of the Penal Code for the alleged crime of theft.
However, when he and his supporters arrived there, court officials told them there was no hearing on that day. The police had apparently not registered the case with the court.
Swift action in favour of company
They then went back to th Sungai Asap police station, a two hours drive from here, to seek a clarfication. The headman has now to wait for the court to call him.
TK Nyalang said he and fellow settlers had made numerous police reports against Samling Plantations but no action was ever taken.
Yet, he added, the police were swift to take action when the company made a police report, which resulted in the charges against him.
'Be neutral and unbiased'
Abun Sui Anyit, advisor of the Sarawak Native Customary Land Rights Network (TAHABAS) said the matter is clearly a dispute of rights to the land.
"The police should have carried out a thorough investigation based on the reports lodged by the two parties in the dispute.
"The police should be neutral and without bias in handling the case. But this was not so, as the police hastily framed TK Nyalang as a criminal by instituting charges against him.
Abun Sui Anyit bersama masyarakat Ulu Bakun

Bukti Resolusi yang telah dihantar secara serahan tangan kepada Penguasa Jabatan Tanah dan Servei Kapit.

Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Inilah contoh satu pagar yang didirikan oleh satu syarikat untuk kita masuk ke tanah NCR kita. Kalaulah dari mula syarikat nak masuk dulu, Orang Asal (Dayak - Iban, Bidayuh dan Orang Ulu), buat begini (mendirikan pagar melarang orang luar masuk tanah NCR kita) mungkinkah masalah NCR yang banyak dirampas dan dicuri tidak akan wujud seperti sekarang?
Dengan adanya pagar seperti ini di seluruh Sarawak, seolah-olah kita orang Asal "berkunjung" ke negeri orang atau menumpang di negeri sendiri. Ini angkara polisi siapa?
Beri komen anda?
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Datuk Seri Idris Jala Appointed As Minister In Prime Minister's Department

Last time while in MAS, some quarters of politicians especially the YBs in Parliament had asked Idris Jala (aboved picture) to step down because of petty reason being MAS delay flight.
Now Idris will face those quarters directly. Now, those YBs who asked him to step down before, have to perform when they remember and think about Idris Jala, failing which they have to give every explanation to Prime Minister.
This new tasks is different from previous job who were not politicians. I believe he had made his homework before accepted the offer.
That is in federal level. In state level, please don't forget our ancestral NCR Land that gone (include Idris' long house may be) which is now GIVEN to Companies through licenses for plantation, timber industry and forest plantation.
Idris appointment is on his merit NOT on political ground as said by PM Najib. Might be under Orang Ulu ethnic group quota that long vacant after senator George Adam Talik from Belaga.
So his appointment is totally for the sake of Nation that will benefit all. We hope every body is happy with his appointment. May be not for those "lions and tigers'" out there. His appointment therefore cannot be politicised and for own political mileage. If certain quarters start to claim that the appointment is for their political mileage, then it will be sad to say Idris is just their "GOLDEN HORSE".
Our brother Idris had informed us during our Dinner in KL last year (2008) saying that his calling is not in politics. Now he is going to be appointed as Senator and then Minister in Prime Ministers' Department without portfolio. He will be facing politicians around him. We still waiting how our Prime Minister going to explain this to the rakyat of Malaysia in accordance to Idris' principle saying that he is not interested in politics.
What our PM said so far is : "There is no one else is better than Idris Jala in government and in the country in turn around companies from loss to profitable one. Idris had good tract record...."
Wait and see what is going to happen. With the current turmoil in our political arena either BN or PR, we do hope that God gives Idris wisdom to face all these mess according to one of his principle that allow God's Intervention in his job.
Let us pray together for God's protection over him. Amen.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
For all concerned KK (Kayan Kenyah)info :
The Highest Court of Malaysia, Federal Court had ruled that the Dayaks have Native Customary Rights over
(a) Temuda' (bekan, juway, kaharah, @ talun)
(b) Tembawai
(c) Pemakai Menoa (Daleh, tana' kasu, tana' pengurip) - include virgin jungle within borders among longhouses all over Sarawak
(d) Pendam
These facts in Court's Decision CANNOT BE DENIED!!
But Taib/BN is REFUSE to recognize and respect the Court's Decision that's why more than 200 NCR Court Cases still pending. If Taib and Land & Survey respect and abide by the Court Decision, the 200 or more cases should settle.
If Taib refuse to respect the Court's Decision meaning he(Taib)/BN is NOT RESPECT our Orang Ulu/Dayaks Custom/Adat. Including those SUPPORTING Taib/BN party DOESN'T respect our Custom/Adat.
Therefore judge by yourself. KK and Dayaks, don't be CHEATED/trapped again by TAIB/BN policy! They had stolen Rakyats' NCR Land and its sources through companies.
Don't blindly support Taib/BN.
I Agree with our fellow Orang Ulu known as "Bekulu" : JANGAN KASI CHAN SAMA TAIB/BN DAN KONCO-KONCONYA LAGI!
Make sure our KK/Orang Ulu Constituencies like Ba' Kelalan, Marudi, Belaga and Telang Usan doesn't fall to Taib's/BN again.
The sentiment ALL OVER SARAWAK is that the RAKYAT want to CHANGE BN Government. Don't miss the new Boat.
Be part of the CHANGE!
Do your part by informing and explaining to your parents that your NCR Land has gone under BN.
Our NCR Land in our Orang Ulu areas had been given by Taib/BN to Companies!!
The Highest Court of Malaysia, Federal Court had ruled that the Dayaks have Native Customary Rights over
(a) Temuda' (bekan, juway, kaharah, @ talun)
(b) Tembawai
(c) Pemakai Menoa (Daleh, tana' kasu, tana' pengurip) - include virgin jungle within borders among longhouses all over Sarawak
(d) Pendam
These facts in Court's Decision CANNOT BE DENIED!!
But Taib/BN is REFUSE to recognize and respect the Court's Decision that's why more than 200 NCR Court Cases still pending. If Taib and Land & Survey respect and abide by the Court Decision, the 200 or more cases should settle.
If Taib refuse to respect the Court's Decision meaning he(Taib)/BN is NOT RESPECT our Orang Ulu/Dayaks Custom/Adat. Including those SUPPORTING Taib/BN party DOESN'T respect our Custom/Adat.
Therefore judge by yourself. KK and Dayaks, don't be CHEATED/trapped again by TAIB/BN policy! They had stolen Rakyats' NCR Land and its sources through companies.
Don't blindly support Taib/BN.
I Agree with our fellow Orang Ulu known as "Bekulu" : JANGAN KASI CHAN SAMA TAIB/BN DAN KONCO-KONCONYA LAGI!
Make sure our KK/Orang Ulu Constituencies like Ba' Kelalan, Marudi, Belaga and Telang Usan doesn't fall to Taib's/BN again.
The sentiment ALL OVER SARAWAK is that the RAKYAT want to CHANGE BN Government. Don't miss the new Boat.
Be part of the CHANGE!
Do your part by informing and explaining to your parents that your NCR Land has gone under BN.
Our NCR Land in our Orang Ulu areas had been given by Taib/BN to Companies!!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
NGOs chided for belittling Salcra’s role
NGOs chided for belittling Salcra’s role
By Yunus Yussop
BINTULU: Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Alfred Jabu chided certain Dayak non-governmental organisations for criticising the roles of Sarawak Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Authority (Salcra) in developing Native Customary Rights (NCR) land.
He said their criticism was based on ignorance and plain disrespect for the truth. The truth, he added, was that the land development was aimed at improving the income level of the rural community.
Jabu, who is also Salcra chairman and Minister of Rural Development, meanwhile urged the rural folk with plenty of idle land to continue the joint-venture collaboration with Salcra to develop their land.
Apart from the monetary benefit from the deal the local people would be able to enjoy infrastructure facilities like roads, bridges and water supply that come along with the project.
“Salcra has so far paid out about RM295 million in dividends to more than 16,000 landowners in the state,” Jabu said at a dinner of PBB Kemena branch after the conclusion of its triennial general meeting at Li Hua Hotel last Saturday.
At the dinner, Jabu also handed over appreciation medals to 15 PBB members in Bintulu Division.
Also present at the function were Kemena assemblyman Dr Stephen Rundi, its women chairperson Catherine Lanyau, and its youth chief Tuai Rh Limin Anai.
Assume Salcra operated for 10 years (because Jabu don't dare enough to mention about the time period of the Dividend given)
1. RM295 million Divide by 10 years = RM29,500,000.00 per Year
2. RM29,500,000.00 Divide by 12 Months = RM2,458,333.33 per Month
3. or RM29,500,000.00 Divide by 365 days = RM80,821.918 per day
4. RM80,821.918 divide by 16,000 land owners (participants) = RM5.05 Sen per day
Meaning Dividend given by Jabu per day is RM5.05 ONLY
or RM5.05 x 30 working days = RM151.54 (Salary per month)
Miskin tegar in Malaysia is those income under RM500.00 per month!
Foreigners salary in Oil Palm estimated around RM12.00 per day.
The important thing here is where is the NCR Land goes? Its given to Company for 60 years and renewable for another 60 years.
Where is justice for Rakyat??
NCR Land ? GONE!
By Yunus Yussop
BINTULU: Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Alfred Jabu chided certain Dayak non-governmental organisations for criticising the roles of Sarawak Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Authority (Salcra) in developing Native Customary Rights (NCR) land.
He said their criticism was based on ignorance and plain disrespect for the truth. The truth, he added, was that the land development was aimed at improving the income level of the rural community.
Jabu, who is also Salcra chairman and Minister of Rural Development, meanwhile urged the rural folk with plenty of idle land to continue the joint-venture collaboration with Salcra to develop their land.
Apart from the monetary benefit from the deal the local people would be able to enjoy infrastructure facilities like roads, bridges and water supply that come along with the project.
“Salcra has so far paid out about RM295 million in dividends to more than 16,000 landowners in the state,” Jabu said at a dinner of PBB Kemena branch after the conclusion of its triennial general meeting at Li Hua Hotel last Saturday.
At the dinner, Jabu also handed over appreciation medals to 15 PBB members in Bintulu Division.
Also present at the function were Kemena assemblyman Dr Stephen Rundi, its women chairperson Catherine Lanyau, and its youth chief Tuai Rh Limin Anai.
Assume Salcra operated for 10 years (because Jabu don't dare enough to mention about the time period of the Dividend given)
1. RM295 million Divide by 10 years = RM29,500,000.00 per Year
2. RM29,500,000.00 Divide by 12 Months = RM2,458,333.33 per Month
3. or RM29,500,000.00 Divide by 365 days = RM80,821.918 per day
4. RM80,821.918 divide by 16,000 land owners (participants) = RM5.05 Sen per day
Meaning Dividend given by Jabu per day is RM5.05 ONLY
or RM5.05 x 30 working days = RM151.54 (Salary per month)
Miskin tegar in Malaysia is those income under RM500.00 per month!
Foreigners salary in Oil Palm estimated around RM12.00 per day.
The important thing here is where is the NCR Land goes? Its given to Company for 60 years and renewable for another 60 years.
Where is justice for Rakyat??
NCR Land ? GONE!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Melihat kepada helicopter yang datang mendarat di pekan Belaga sementara kami menikmati juadah tengahari di salah satu kedai kopi, kami meneka sama ada heli itu untuk membawa pesakit atau doktor udara atau seorang menteri untuk suatu acara di Pekan Belaga.
Kalau Menteri, kenapa Pekan Belaga lengang sahaja?
Selepas mendarat kami nampak beberapa orang keluar dari helikopter. Berbaju T biasa sahaja.
Selepas kira-kira 20 minit kami lihat mereka membawa bersama mereka plastik yang berisi buah durian.
So apa yang menarik tentang kehadiran heli tersebut dan digunakan hanya untuk datang membeli buah durian di Pekan Belaga.
Dipercayai mereka yang menggunakan heli tersebut adalah dari Syarikat Shin Yang.
Apa pendapat anda?
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Photo : TR Nyalang (berdiri baris kedua lima dari kiri baju gelap) bersama barisan Peguambela dan rakyat Long Koyan di hadapan Mahkamah Belaga, Sarawak
BELAGA : Tuai Rumah (TR) Nyalang Tahe' telah hadir ke Pejabat Daerah Belaga pada 21/8/2009 untuk menghadapi tuduhan "mencuri". Walaupun menunggu sejak pukul 8 pagi hingga 3 petang, tiada kelibat pihak pendakwa atau pihak polis di mahkamah. Pintu Mahkamah juga berkunci.
Bagi memastikan kes ini berjalan atau tidak, TR Nyalang bersama - sama penyokongnya kebanyakan rakyatnya dan 3 orang Peguambelanya, peguam Ali Basah, peguam Paul Raja dan peguam Abun Sui ke Balai Polis Daerah Belaga.
Setelah diminta penjelasan, akhirnya Ketua Polis Daerah Belaga memaklumkan kepada peguam bahawa kes TR Nyalang masih dalam siasatan dan kemungkinan akan digugurkan.
Apa yang dikesalkan, walaupun Ketua Polis Belaga memberi harapan kes ini akan digugurkan tetapi TR Nyalang dan seorang lagi rakyatnya yang turut dituduh atas kesalahan ingin melakukan "serangan bahaya" diminta untuk memperbaharui jaminan polis mereka pada 12/10/2009.
Pihak Polis seharusnya tidak "menyusahkan orang rumah panjang" dengan meminta mereka datang memperbaharui jaminan polis setiap kali kerana ini sangat membebankan mereka kerana mereka terpaksa ke Balai Polis yang jauh dari rumah panjang mereka sedangkan pihak syarikat yang kaya raya yang menceroboh tanah NCR mereka tidak pula diambil tindakan apa-apa walaupun TR Nyalang melalui wakilnya membuat Laporan Polis tentang pencerobohan tanah mereka.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
BELAGA : Tuai Rumah Nyalang Tahe’ dari Long Koyan, Belaga, Sarawak akan dituduh di Mahkamah Majistret, Belaga pada 21/8/2009 pukul 9.00 pagi di bawah Seksyen 379 Kanun Keseksaan atas kesalahan mencuri.
Tuai Rumah Nyalang Tahe’ merupakan seorang tuai rumah yang berdedikasi dan sangat berjiwa rakyat. Antara sifatnya yang terpuji adalah mempertahankan Tanah Hak Adat (NCR) beliau dan penduduk di Rumah Panjang Long Koyan Belaga dari pencerobohan pihak luar termasuk syarikat perladangan.
Dalam kes ini Tuai Rumah Nyalang Tahe’ mempertahankan tanah NCR beliau dan rakyat beliau dari dicerobohi oleh syarikat perladangan Samling Plantation yang diberi lesen yang dikenali sebagai Provisional Lease (PL) oleh kerajaan di Belaga termasuk kawasan tanah NCR Tuai Rumah Nyalang Tahe’.
Kes ini berbangkit daripada satu laporan polis yang dibuat oleh Rumah Panjang Long Koyan melalui wakil mereka pada 13/5/2009. Dalam laporan ini pihak rumah panjang yang diketuai oleh Tuai Rumah Nyalang Tahe’ telah pergi memberhentikan Excavator yang dikenali sebagai “peko” dikalangan Orang Ulu daripada terus menceroboh tanah NCR mereka.
Walau bagaimanapun, apa yang menghairankan adalah pada 21 Julai 2009, beliau telah ditahan dan diberi notis untuk menghadirkan diri untuk menghadapi satu tuduhan di Mahkamah Majistret Belaga pada 21 Ogos, 2009 (Jumaat). Setakat maklumat ini diberikan kepada Encik Abun Sui Anyit, penasihat JARINGAN TANAH HAK ADAT BANGSA ASAL SARAWAK (TAHABAS), Tuai Rumah Nyalang Tahe’ belum dibekalkan dengan laporan polis berkaitan tuduhan yang dikenakan terhadap beliau walaupun telah diminta oleh beliau.
Dalam kes ini beliau juga diberi Surat Perjanjian Dan Jaminan Kepada Polis Diraja yang meminta beliau mengakujanji akan membayar RM500.00 kepada Kerajaan Malaysia jika tidak hadir ke Mahkamah pada 21 Ogos ini.
Penduduk Pekan Belaga dan rumah-rumah panjang terutamanya yang berhampiran dengan Pekan Belaga agar turut serta ke Mahkamah Majistret Belaga pada 21/8/2009 jam 9.00 pagi bagi memberi sokongan moral kepada Tuai Rumah Nyalang Tahe’ untuk mempertahankan tanah NCR dari terus diceroboh oleh syarikat yang diberi lesen oleh kerajaan.
Tanah NCR adalah sangat penting untuk kehidupan masyarakat Orang Ulu di Belaga seperti Tuai Rumah Nyalang Tahe’ khasnya dan masyarakat Dayak Sarawak amnya.
Tuai Rumah Nyalang Tahe’ merupakan seorang tuai rumah yang berdedikasi dan sangat berjiwa rakyat. Antara sifatnya yang terpuji adalah mempertahankan Tanah Hak Adat (NCR) beliau dan penduduk di Rumah Panjang Long Koyan Belaga dari pencerobohan pihak luar termasuk syarikat perladangan.
Dalam kes ini Tuai Rumah Nyalang Tahe’ mempertahankan tanah NCR beliau dan rakyat beliau dari dicerobohi oleh syarikat perladangan Samling Plantation yang diberi lesen yang dikenali sebagai Provisional Lease (PL) oleh kerajaan di Belaga termasuk kawasan tanah NCR Tuai Rumah Nyalang Tahe’.
Kes ini berbangkit daripada satu laporan polis yang dibuat oleh Rumah Panjang Long Koyan melalui wakil mereka pada 13/5/2009. Dalam laporan ini pihak rumah panjang yang diketuai oleh Tuai Rumah Nyalang Tahe’ telah pergi memberhentikan Excavator yang dikenali sebagai “peko” dikalangan Orang Ulu daripada terus menceroboh tanah NCR mereka.
Walau bagaimanapun, apa yang menghairankan adalah pada 21 Julai 2009, beliau telah ditahan dan diberi notis untuk menghadirkan diri untuk menghadapi satu tuduhan di Mahkamah Majistret Belaga pada 21 Ogos, 2009 (Jumaat). Setakat maklumat ini diberikan kepada Encik Abun Sui Anyit, penasihat JARINGAN TANAH HAK ADAT BANGSA ASAL SARAWAK (TAHABAS), Tuai Rumah Nyalang Tahe’ belum dibekalkan dengan laporan polis berkaitan tuduhan yang dikenakan terhadap beliau walaupun telah diminta oleh beliau.
Dalam kes ini beliau juga diberi Surat Perjanjian Dan Jaminan Kepada Polis Diraja yang meminta beliau mengakujanji akan membayar RM500.00 kepada Kerajaan Malaysia jika tidak hadir ke Mahkamah pada 21 Ogos ini.
Penduduk Pekan Belaga dan rumah-rumah panjang terutamanya yang berhampiran dengan Pekan Belaga agar turut serta ke Mahkamah Majistret Belaga pada 21/8/2009 jam 9.00 pagi bagi memberi sokongan moral kepada Tuai Rumah Nyalang Tahe’ untuk mempertahankan tanah NCR dari terus diceroboh oleh syarikat yang diberi lesen oleh kerajaan.
Tanah NCR adalah sangat penting untuk kehidupan masyarakat Orang Ulu di Belaga seperti Tuai Rumah Nyalang Tahe’ khasnya dan masyarakat Dayak Sarawak amnya.
Here is one methodology/real scenario:-
Come election time, every one (ANY PARTY AND INDEPENDENT THAT CONTESTING) is promising this and that; bring development, will not corrupt, no cronisme, not enriched themselves, not grasp rakyat's NCR land, no abuse of power and so on...
No harm, everybody can promise anything
BUT those who win in the election and form the Government HAVE TO perform whatever promises or manifesto being said.
Those who lost in the election has NOTHING to perform, because they are NOT in power, maybe watchdog to the winner but not mandatory unless they are paid for doing so...
So judge by yourself rationally and logically. WHO is LIAR???
For those of you who really UNDERSTOOD this real scenario - Please teach those in power to perform and STOP them from alleging/blaming the opposition (those who lost in election) as LIAR.This is not right.
Also teach the rakyat to understand this methodology.
Don't wasting our time and resources to discuss matters on "Opposition is liar" since they are not the performing party.
Here is one methodology/real scenario:-
Come election time, every one (ANY PARTY AND INDEPENDENT THAT CONTESTING) is promising this and that; bring development, will not corrupt, no cronisme, not enriched themselves, not grasp rakyat's NCR land, no abuse of power and so on...
No harm, everybody can promise anything
BUT those who win in the election and form the Government HAVE TO perform whatever promises or manifesto being said.
Those who lost in the election has NOTHING to perform, because they are NOT in power, maybe watchdog to the winner but not mandatory unless they are paid for doing so...
So judge by yourself rationally and logically. WHO is LIAR???
For those of you who really UNDERSTOOD this real scenario - Please teach those in power to perform and STOP them from alleging/blaming the opposition (those who lost in election) as LIAR.This is not right.
Also teach the rakyat to understand this methodology.
Don't wasting our time and resources to discuss matters on "Opposition is liar" since they are not the performing party.
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